Monday, October 19, 2009

this week...

some updates from the last week...

+ last wednesday was my 33rd birthday. for some reason that seems like a grown up age.

+ traffic has increasing greatly with all the "leaf-lookers" coming to out area

+went to Atlanta with Cody on Saturday to celebrate my birthday

+went to Paper Source for the first time. It is lovely.

+bought a cute toy at IKEA for my sweet baby niece for Christmas - now I just have to wait to give it to her. I am a bad present holder.

+weather was really cold this past weekend

+considering getting blunt bangs - but almost afraid to do so..

+cody bought me some 700 thread count sheets and a pair of shoes for my birthday - I love sheets and shoes.

+althea is still my favorite on project runway

+at work they "bombed" air building with something that is supposed to kill all the germs for 6 months - I think they use it is hospitals and govt buildings.


readingsully2 said...

Very interesting. :)

readingsully2 said...

Hey there again....I did not realize I had already posted. Happy Birthday. You know, when I turned 30 I had hair down to my waist. The next day I had hair up to my ears. It was my hardest BD. I am 63 now.

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